
Praat script to compute some VQ measurements

Project maintained by JalalAl-Tamimi Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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There are two version of this script:

1) The script “VQ_measurements_V1.praat” is to be used if you have a Praat version 6.3.22 or below. 2) The script “VQ_measurements_V2.praat” is to be used for any version of Praat above 6.4. These new versions use the updated Praat algorithm for detection of pitch

The two scripts “VQ_measurements_V1.praat” and “VQ_measurements_V2.praat” provide multiple acoustic measures to Voice Quality (VQ). It uses the Two-pass method for estimation f0 range adapted to each speaker; uses the cross-correlation method. The measurements are:

  1. Jitter and Shimmer (various measures)
  2. Harmonics to Noise Ratio (HNR); full, between 0-500 Hz, 0-1500 Hz, 0-2500 Hz and 0-3500 Hz
  3. Many of the Acoustic Breathiness Index: Energy components, spectral tilt and slope, glottal excitation, hammarberg Index, band energy differences, and cepstral peak prominence.

The script uses a Sound file and a TextGrid. A results file is outputted.

Make sure to cite this github repo when using this script