1 Loading packages

## Use the code below to check if you have all required packages installed. If some are not installed already, the code below will install these. If you have all packages installed, then you could load them with the second code.
requiredPackages = c('tidyverse', 'languageR', 'Hmisc', 'corrplot', 'broom', 'knitr', 'xtable', 'ggsignif')
for(p in requiredPackages){
  if(!require(p,character.only = TRUE)) install.packages(p)
  library(p,character.only = TRUE)
Loading required package: Hmisc
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: Formula
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'htmlwidgets':
  method           from         
  print.htmlwidget tools:rstudio
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'data.table':
  method           from

Attaching package: ‘Hmisc’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:dplyr’:

    src, summarize

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    format.pval, units

Loading required package: corrplot
corrplot 0.90 loaded
Loading required package: broom
Loading required package: knitr
Loading required package: xtable

Attaching package: ‘xtable’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:Hmisc’:

    label, label<-

Loading required package: ggsignif

2 Inferential statistics

2.1 Introduction

What do we mean by inferential statistics? We want to evaluate if there are differences observed between two groups of datapoints and if these differences are statistically significant.

For this, we need to pay attention to the format of our outcome and predictors. An outcome is the response variable (or dependent variable); a predictor is our independent variable(s).

2.2 Type of outcomes

It is important to know the class of the outcome before doing any pre-data analyses or inferential statistics. Outcome classes can be one of:

  1. Numeric: As an example, we have length/width of leaf; height of mountain; fundamental frequency of the voice; etc. These are true numbers and we can use summaries, t-tests, linear models, etc. Integer are a family of numeric variables and can still be considered as a normal numeric variable.

  2. Categorical (Unordered): Observations for two or more categories. As an example, we can have gender of a speaker (male or female); responses to a True vs False perception tests; Colour (unordered) categorisation, e.g., red, blue, yellow, orange, etc.. For these we can use a Generalised Linear Model (binomial or multinomial) or a simple chi-square test. Count data are numbers related to a category. But these should be analysed using a poisson logistic regression

  3. Categorical (Ordered): When you run a rating experiment, where the outcome is either numeric (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or categories (i.e., disagree, neutral, agree). The numeric option is NOT a true number as for the participant, these are categories. Cumulative Logit models (or Generalised Linear Model with a cumulative function) are used. The mean is meaningless here, and the median is a preferred descriptive statistic.

2.3 Correlation tests

2.3.1 Basic correlations

Let us start with a basic correlation test. We want to evaluate if two numeric variables are correlated with each other.

We use the function cor to obtain the pearson correlation and cor.test to run a basic correlation test on our data with significance testing

cor(english$RTlexdec, english$RTnaming, method = "pearson")
[1] 0.7587033
cor.test(english$RTlexdec, english$RTnaming)

    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  english$RTlexdec and english$RTnaming
t = 78.699, df = 4566, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.7461195 0.7707453
sample estimates:

What these results are telling us? There is a positive correlation between RTlexdec and RTnaming. The correlation coefficient (R²) is 0.76 (limits between -1 and 1). This correlation is statistically significant with a t value of 78.699, degrees of freedom of 4566 and a p-value < 2.2e-16.

What are the degrees of freedom? These relate to number of total observations - number of comparisons. Here we have 4568 observations in the dataset, and two comparisons, hence 4568 - 2 = 4566.

For the p value, there is a threshold we usually use. This threshold is p = 0.05. This threshold means we have a minimum to consider any difference as significant or not. 0.05 means that we have a probability to find a significant difference that is at 5% or lower. IN our case, the p value is lower that 2.2e-16. How to interpret this number? this tells us to add 15 0s before the 2!! i.e., 0.0000000000000002. This probability is very (very!!) low. So we conclude that there is a statistically significant correlation between the two variables.

The formula to calculate the t value is below.

x̄ = sample mean μ0 = population mean s = sample standard deviation n = sample size

The p value is influenced by various factors, number of observations, strength of the difference, mean values, etc.. You should always be careful with interpreting p values taking everything else into account.

2.3.2 Using the package corrplot

Above, we did a correlation test on two predictors. What if we want to obtain a nice plot of all numeric predictors and add significance levels? Correlation plots

corr <- 
  english %>% 
  select(where(is.numeric)) %>% 
                                    RTlexdec     RTnaming Familiarity
RTlexdec                         1.000000000  0.758703280 -0.44440973
RTnaming                         0.758703280  1.000000000 -0.09479307
Familiarity                     -0.444409734 -0.094793069  1.00000000
WrittenFrequency                -0.434814982 -0.095994313  0.79125559
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio      0.039820007  0.036592754 -0.18989881
FamilySize                      -0.349595853 -0.088037010  0.59191973
DerivationalEntropy             -0.161164620 -0.049456670  0.22071588
InflectionalEntropy             -0.088418681 -0.022110376  0.10795420
NumberSimplexSynsets            -0.309008140 -0.071900207  0.51065170
NumberComplexSynsets            -0.328613209 -0.076384846  0.51001913
LengthInLetters                  0.049747275  0.094497065 -0.08215272
Ncount                          -0.065726313 -0.094669618  0.09650461
MeanBigramFrequency              0.002633525  0.048459360  0.02962138
FrequencyInitialDiphone         -0.074452719 -0.057216874  0.12847193
ConspelV                        -0.032867467 -0.025165185  0.07451417
ConspelN                        -0.107538023 -0.034801239  0.21437628
ConphonV                        -0.021747588  0.001175572  0.05408975
ConphonN                        -0.080930543 -0.014364896  0.16180440
ConfriendsV                     -0.025720833 -0.027741071  0.04584224
ConfriendsN                     -0.117532883 -0.044064997  0.20673977
ConffV                          -0.016494945  0.007924551  0.05610343
ConffN                          -0.005679088  0.011407182  0.02945722
ConfbV                          -0.022515482  0.019159417  0.05687343
ConfbN                          -0.018539499  0.017011731  0.05199653
NounFrequency                   -0.167189500 -0.043148572  0.38119070
VerbFrequency                   -0.076388309 -0.024593780  0.23817700
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     -0.042640861  0.020488545  0.09106333
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable -0.035503708  0.026897756  0.07354114
CorrectLexdec                   -0.253188184  0.151348043  0.52685458
RTlexdec                             -0.43481498
RTnaming                             -0.09599431
Familiarity                           0.79125559
WrittenFrequency                      1.00000000
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio           0.07158067
FamilySize                            0.66253864
DerivationalEntropy                   0.25522889
InflectionalEntropy                  -0.04048005
NumberSimplexSynsets                  0.55874958
NumberComplexSynsets                  0.59105478
LengthInLetters                      -0.06663196
Ncount                                0.10492564
MeanBigramFrequency                   0.07758879
FrequencyInitialDiphone               0.16748670
ConspelV                              0.05864228
ConspelN                              0.28248908
ConphonV                              0.08201255
ConphonN                              0.22245283
ConfriendsV                           0.02146455
ConfriendsN                           0.26326498
ConffV                                0.08162166
ConffN                                0.05028101
ConfbV                                0.11975724
ConfbN                                0.10409106
NounFrequency                         0.46955152
VerbFrequency                         0.27879235
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord           0.10827895
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable       0.09111661
CorrectLexdec                         0.45797185
RTlexdec                                        0.039820007
RTnaming                                        0.036592754
Familiarity                                    -0.189898811
WrittenFrequency                                0.071580669
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                     1.000000000
FamilySize                                     -0.108801543
DerivationalEntropy                            -0.010987756
InflectionalEntropy                            -0.118804044
NumberSimplexSynsets                           -0.085088573
NumberComplexSynsets                           -0.104598273
LengthInLetters                                 0.204091196
Ncount                                         -0.188200595
MeanBigramFrequency                             0.191513493
FrequencyInitialDiphone                         0.020799272
ConspelV                                       -0.157689304
ConspelN                                       -0.057307387
ConphonV                                       -0.034796879
ConphonN                                       -0.025856126
ConfriendsV                                    -0.136348207
ConfriendsN                                    -0.055568525
ConffV                                         -0.026731676
ConffN                                         -0.003403134
ConfbV                                          0.093614167
ConfbN                                          0.070239322
NounFrequency                                   0.012482293
VerbFrequency                                  -0.096554415
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                     0.002627022
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                 0.012872673
CorrectLexdec                                   0.008564774
                                  FamilySize DerivationalEntropy
RTlexdec                        -0.349595853        -0.161164620
RTnaming                        -0.088037010        -0.049456670
Familiarity                      0.591919733         0.220715880
WrittenFrequency                 0.662538635         0.255228886
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     -0.108801543        -0.010987756
FamilySize                       1.000000000         0.692088896
DerivationalEntropy              0.692088896         1.000000000
InflectionalEntropy              0.101743523        -0.050795034
NumberSimplexSynsets             0.590763556         0.223943027
NumberComplexSynsets             0.645411663         0.331924999
LengthInLetters                 -0.122995009        -0.104860729
Ncount                           0.174107015         0.123827732
MeanBigramFrequency             -0.001056468        -0.020837051
FrequencyInitialDiphone          0.126804334         0.083835479
ConspelV                         0.110812602         0.046117273
ConspelN                         0.249522442         0.137519738
ConphonV                         0.050171973        -0.002754648
ConphonN                         0.161531494         0.074468614
ConfriendsV                      0.079271194         0.028929529
ConfriendsN                      0.242711641         0.131756437
ConffV                           0.080362377         0.041097365
ConffN                           0.059199476         0.040363830
ConfbV                           0.050020822         0.007743200
ConfbN                           0.038457171         0.011462290
NounFrequency                    0.417794301         0.172254519
VerbFrequency                    0.114132925        -0.019725738
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord      0.096705342         0.029479534
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable  0.086426850         0.027755605
CorrectLexdec                    0.360613035         0.188753214
RTlexdec                               -0.088418681
RTnaming                               -0.022110376
Familiarity                             0.107954197
WrittenFrequency                       -0.040480046
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio            -0.118804044
FamilySize                              0.101743523
DerivationalEntropy                    -0.050795034
InflectionalEntropy                     1.000000000
NumberSimplexSynsets                    0.398736053
NumberComplexSynsets                    0.005589502
LengthInLetters                         0.052485031
Ncount                                 -0.003252708
MeanBigramFrequency                     0.024789643
FrequencyInitialDiphone                -0.034461207
ConspelV                                0.140798520
ConspelN                                0.046826086
ConphonV                                0.082962738
ConphonN                                0.031410725
ConfriendsV                             0.131247972
ConfriendsN                             0.067675205
ConffV                                  0.014388810
ConffN                                  0.010758578
ConfbV                                  0.002863801
ConfbN                                 -0.007583063
NounFrequency                          -0.114401007
VerbFrequency                           0.094002603
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord             0.052469468
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable         0.050939450
CorrectLexdec                           0.182065382
RTlexdec                               -0.3090081404
RTnaming                               -0.0719002065
Familiarity                             0.5106516971
WrittenFrequency                        0.5587495840
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio            -0.0850885729
FamilySize                              0.5907635556
DerivationalEntropy                     0.2239430269
InflectionalEntropy                     0.3987360535
NumberSimplexSynsets                    1.0000000000
NumberComplexSynsets                    0.5245365002
LengthInLetters                        -0.0063644110
Ncount                                  0.1129586209
MeanBigramFrequency                     0.0539689516
FrequencyInitialDiphone                 0.0571276406
ConspelV                                0.1660590990
ConspelN                                0.2275859556
ConphonV                                0.0747186906
ConphonN                                0.1443620165
ConfriendsV                             0.1546554020
ConfriendsN                             0.2524518522
ConffV                                  0.0362906719
ConffN                                  0.0227783558
ConfbV                                  0.0215807967
ConfbN                                  0.0002057108
NounFrequency                           0.2380855612
VerbFrequency                           0.1887961418
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord             0.1270081956
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable         0.1160585801
CorrectLexdec                           0.3500774208
                                NumberComplexSynsets LengthInLetters
RTlexdec                                -0.328613209     0.049747275
RTnaming                                -0.076384846     0.094497065
Familiarity                              0.510019126    -0.082152716
WrittenFrequency                         0.591054783    -0.066631955
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio             -0.104598273     0.204091196
FamilySize                               0.645411663    -0.122995009
DerivationalEntropy                      0.331924999    -0.104860729
InflectionalEntropy                      0.005589502     0.052485031
NumberSimplexSynsets                     0.524536500    -0.006364411
NumberComplexSynsets                     1.000000000    -0.120445975
LengthInLetters                         -0.120445975     1.000000000
Ncount                                   0.137748482    -0.625129141
MeanBigramFrequency                     -0.023604116     0.790492091
FrequencyInitialDiphone                  0.103684145    -0.060443836
ConspelV                                 0.071760775    -0.226416938
ConspelN                                 0.193733204    -0.170022083
ConphonV                                 0.047783270    -0.202368726
ConphonN                                 0.142498720    -0.205167896
ConfriendsV                              0.037761099    -0.192199942
ConfriendsN                              0.180629522    -0.156898314
ConffV                                   0.082102822    -0.019244458
ConffN                                   0.057010830     0.010765359
ConfbV                                   0.052172715    -0.040037290
ConfbN                                   0.049175194    -0.069985486
NounFrequency                            0.349469930    -0.035331865
VerbFrequency                            0.092248597    -0.083729951
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord              0.058217178     0.155454553
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable          0.047009152     0.150391668
CorrectLexdec                            0.329011088     0.046317578
                                      Ncount MeanBigramFrequency
RTlexdec                        -0.065726313         0.002633525
RTnaming                        -0.094669618         0.048459360
Familiarity                      0.096504609         0.029621385
WrittenFrequency                 0.104925644         0.077588795
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     -0.188200595         0.191513493
FamilySize                       0.174107015        -0.001056468
DerivationalEntropy              0.123827732        -0.020837051
InflectionalEntropy             -0.003252708         0.024789643
NumberSimplexSynsets             0.112958621         0.053968952
NumberComplexSynsets             0.137748482        -0.023604116
LengthInLetters                 -0.625129141         0.790492091
Ncount                           1.000000000        -0.387546284
MeanBigramFrequency             -0.387546284         1.000000000
FrequencyInitialDiphone          0.135888890         0.324815461
ConspelV                         0.474710938        -0.091270605
ConspelN                         0.346547943         0.060952203
ConphonV                         0.210193628        -0.122457211
ConphonN                         0.190732679        -0.064645303
ConfriendsV                      0.436821402        -0.078215883
ConfriendsN                      0.340831193         0.049075415
ConffV                           0.076838593         0.072593437
ConffN                           0.069850580         0.113704972
ConfbV                          -0.036034465         0.002954953
ConfbN                          -0.042132633        -0.019550727
NounFrequency                    0.035870248         0.043361959
VerbFrequency                    0.053361797        -0.045835069
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord      0.007890710         0.214165942
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable  0.021719522         0.201570329
CorrectLexdec                    0.016048288         0.063566285
                                FrequencyInitialDiphone    ConspelV
RTlexdec                                  -0.0744527186 -0.03286747
RTnaming                                  -0.0572168742 -0.02516518
Familiarity                                0.1284719337  0.07451417
WrittenFrequency                           0.1674867041  0.05864228
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                0.0207992723 -0.15768930
FamilySize                                 0.1268043344  0.11081260
DerivationalEntropy                        0.0838354786  0.04611727
InflectionalEntropy                       -0.0344612070  0.14079852
NumberSimplexSynsets                       0.0571276406  0.16605910
NumberComplexSynsets                       0.1036841450  0.07176077
LengthInLetters                           -0.0604438357 -0.22641694
Ncount                                     0.1358888899  0.47471094
MeanBigramFrequency                        0.3248154611 -0.09127061
FrequencyInitialDiphone                    1.0000000000 -0.05573050
ConspelV                                  -0.0557304958  1.00000000
ConspelN                                   0.0309540623  0.64214341
ConphonV                                  -0.0142352920  0.54021641
ConphonN                                   0.0104023606  0.41727634
ConfriendsV                               -0.0495263185  0.91949493
ConfriendsN                                0.0362062483  0.62267751
ConffV                                    -0.0001697975  0.23618800
ConffN                                     0.0021493798  0.16655427
ConfbV                                     0.0334157038  0.04946527
ConfbN                                     0.0191463198  0.02724069
NounFrequency                              0.0985964971 -0.01696005
VerbFrequency                              0.0557187478  0.06291967
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                0.1310981285  0.11861458
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable            0.1188976490  0.12276477
CorrectLexdec                              0.0486800603  0.04934274
                                   ConspelN     ConphonV    ConphonN
RTlexdec                        -0.10753802 -0.021747588 -0.08093054
RTnaming                        -0.03480124  0.001175572 -0.01436490
Familiarity                      0.21437628  0.054089750  0.16180440
WrittenFrequency                 0.28248908  0.082012553  0.22245283
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     -0.05730739 -0.034796879 -0.02585613
FamilySize                       0.24952244  0.050171973  0.16153149
DerivationalEntropy              0.13751974 -0.002754648  0.07446861
InflectionalEntropy              0.04682609  0.082962738  0.03141073
NumberSimplexSynsets             0.22758596  0.074718691  0.14436202
NumberComplexSynsets             0.19373320  0.047783270  0.14249872
LengthInLetters                 -0.17002208 -0.202368726 -0.20516790
Ncount                           0.34654794  0.210193628  0.19073268
MeanBigramFrequency              0.06095220 -0.122457211 -0.06464530
FrequencyInitialDiphone          0.03095406 -0.014235292  0.01040236
ConspelV                         0.64214341  0.540216414  0.41727634
ConspelN                         1.00000000  0.380474673  0.65365781
ConphonV                         0.38047467  1.000000000  0.66588359
ConphonN                         0.65365781  0.665883587  1.00000000
ConfriendsV                      0.55820343  0.533170763  0.38675454
ConfriendsN                      0.88292615  0.378854310  0.65028040
ConffV                           0.27788182  0.039617689  0.08270634
ConffN                           0.34213915  0.060092579  0.09538521
ConfbV                           0.14221895  0.741851531  0.56997101
ConfbN                           0.14531495  0.609947163  0.66832337
NounFrequency                    0.11924516 -0.008769463  0.08519330
VerbFrequency                    0.12533768  0.064268066  0.10336888
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord      0.11832011  0.029920110  0.05363076
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable  0.11843351  0.033639918  0.05429738
CorrectLexdec                    0.10432858  0.020750103  0.06878849
                                ConfriendsV  ConfriendsN        ConffV
RTlexdec                        -0.02572083 -0.117532883 -0.0164949450
RTnaming                        -0.02774107 -0.044064997  0.0079245511
Familiarity                      0.04584224  0.206739773  0.0561034304
WrittenFrequency                 0.02146455  0.263264980  0.0816216587
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     -0.13634821 -0.055568525 -0.0267316761
FamilySize                       0.07927119  0.242711641  0.0803623769
DerivationalEntropy              0.02892953  0.131756437  0.0410973651
InflectionalEntropy              0.13124797  0.067675205  0.0143888100
NumberSimplexSynsets             0.15465540  0.252451852  0.0362906719
NumberComplexSynsets             0.03776110  0.180629522  0.0821028216
LengthInLetters                 -0.19219994 -0.156898314 -0.0192444580
Ncount                           0.43682140  0.340831193  0.0768385931
MeanBigramFrequency             -0.07821588  0.049075415  0.0725934375
FrequencyInitialDiphone         -0.04952632  0.036206248 -0.0001697975
ConspelV                         0.91949493  0.622677513  0.2361879962
ConspelN                         0.55820343  0.882926151  0.2778818176
ConphonV                         0.53317076  0.378854310  0.0396176894
ConphonN                         0.38675454  0.650280396  0.0827063427
ConfriendsV                      1.00000000  0.649018597 -0.1205452871
ConfriendsN                      0.64901860  1.000000000  0.0065361208
ConffV                          -0.12054529  0.006536121  1.0000000000
ConffN                          -0.10390690  0.020956643  0.8241820547
ConfbV                           0.01094067  0.083786596  0.0729283492
ConfbN                          -0.01072111  0.089220835  0.0683948055
NounFrequency                   -0.02244854  0.120108606  0.0367115079
VerbFrequency                    0.00393842  0.118902818  0.1198303241
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord      0.12811075  0.115161203  0.0058281749
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable  0.13787711  0.121747881 -0.0110108598
CorrectLexdec                    0.04575846  0.124420710  0.0072904730
                                      ConffN       ConfbV        ConfbN
RTlexdec                        -0.005679088 -0.022515482 -0.0185394993
RTnaming                         0.011407182  0.019159417  0.0170117309
Familiarity                      0.029457215  0.056873430  0.0519965301
WrittenFrequency                 0.050281007  0.119757242  0.1040910628
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     -0.003403134  0.093614167  0.0702393218
FamilySize                       0.059199476  0.050020822  0.0384571715
DerivationalEntropy              0.040363830  0.007743200  0.0114622898
InflectionalEntropy              0.010758578  0.002863801 -0.0075830633
NumberSimplexSynsets             0.022778356  0.021580797  0.0002057108
NumberComplexSynsets             0.057010830  0.052172715  0.0491751942
LengthInLetters                  0.010765359 -0.040037290 -0.0699854865
Ncount                           0.069850580 -0.036034465 -0.0421326334
MeanBigramFrequency              0.113704972  0.002954953 -0.0195507270
FrequencyInitialDiphone          0.002149380  0.033415704  0.0191463198
ConspelV                         0.166554266  0.049465271  0.0272406932
ConspelN                         0.342139148  0.142218950  0.1453149511
ConphonV                         0.060092579  0.741851531  0.6099471634
ConphonN                         0.095385208  0.569971012  0.6683233736
ConfriendsV                     -0.103906902  0.010940674 -0.0107211109
ConfriendsN                      0.020956643  0.083786596  0.0892208353
ConffV                           0.824182055  0.072928349  0.0683948055
ConffN                           1.000000000  0.114815595  0.0933643088
ConfbV                           0.114815595  1.000000000  0.8424469664
ConfbN                           0.093364309  0.842446966  1.0000000000
NounFrequency                    0.010288796  0.021685118  0.0252276045
VerbFrequency                    0.082163492  0.050519739  0.0329567506
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord      0.003618182 -0.019915368 -0.0188858839
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable -0.008732692 -0.027020380 -0.0244143624
CorrectLexdec                   -0.007205900  0.005393638  0.0039391579
                                NounFrequency VerbFrequency
RTlexdec                         -0.167189500  -0.076388309
RTnaming                         -0.043148572  -0.024593780
Familiarity                       0.381190698   0.238176996
WrittenFrequency                  0.469551521   0.278792355
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio       0.012482293  -0.096554415
FamilySize                        0.417794301   0.114132925
DerivationalEntropy               0.172254519  -0.019725738
InflectionalEntropy              -0.114401007   0.094002603
NumberSimplexSynsets              0.238085561   0.188796142
NumberComplexSynsets              0.349469930   0.092248597
LengthInLetters                  -0.035331865  -0.083729951
Ncount                            0.035870248   0.053361797
MeanBigramFrequency               0.043361959  -0.045835069
FrequencyInitialDiphone           0.098596497   0.055718748
ConspelV                         -0.016960053   0.062919672
ConspelN                          0.119245162   0.125337679
ConphonV                         -0.008769463   0.064268066
ConphonN                          0.085193295   0.103368885
ConfriendsV                      -0.022448538   0.003938420
ConfriendsN                       0.120108606   0.118902818
ConffV                            0.036711508   0.119830324
ConffN                            0.010288796   0.082163492
ConfbV                            0.021685118   0.050519739
ConfbN                            0.025227604   0.032956751
NounFrequency                     1.000000000  -0.003117231
VerbFrequency                    -0.003117231   1.000000000
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord       0.047626002   0.069596145
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable   0.034300335   0.055821617
CorrectLexdec                     0.128263251   0.050165423
RTlexdec                                       -0.042640861
RTnaming                                        0.020488545
Familiarity                                     0.091063334
WrittenFrequency                                0.108278953
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                     0.002627022
FamilySize                                      0.096705342
DerivationalEntropy                             0.029479534
InflectionalEntropy                             0.052469468
NumberSimplexSynsets                            0.127008196
NumberComplexSynsets                            0.058217178
LengthInLetters                                 0.155454553
Ncount                                          0.007890710
MeanBigramFrequency                             0.214165942
FrequencyInitialDiphone                         0.131098129
ConspelV                                        0.118614576
ConspelN                                        0.118320106
ConphonV                                        0.029920110
ConphonN                                        0.053630763
ConfriendsV                                     0.128110751
ConfriendsN                                     0.115161203
ConffV                                          0.005828175
ConffN                                          0.003618182
ConfbV                                         -0.019915368
ConfbN                                         -0.018885884
NounFrequency                                   0.047626002
VerbFrequency                                   0.069596145
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                     1.000000000
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                 0.978742189
CorrectLexdec                                   0.062039751
RTlexdec                                           -0.035503708
RTnaming                                            0.026897756
Familiarity                                         0.073541144
WrittenFrequency                                    0.091116609
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                         0.012872673
FamilySize                                          0.086426850
DerivationalEntropy                                 0.027755605
InflectionalEntropy                                 0.050939450
NumberSimplexSynsets                                0.116058580
NumberComplexSynsets                                0.047009152
LengthInLetters                                     0.150391668
Ncount                                              0.021719522
MeanBigramFrequency                                 0.201570329
FrequencyInitialDiphone                             0.118897649
ConspelV                                            0.122764768
ConspelN                                            0.118433514
ConphonV                                            0.033639918
ConphonN                                            0.054297378
ConfriendsV                                         0.137877114
ConfriendsN                                         0.121747881
ConffV                                             -0.011010860
ConffN                                             -0.008732692
ConfbV                                             -0.027020380
ConfbN                                             -0.024414362
NounFrequency                                       0.034300335
VerbFrequency                                       0.055821617
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                         0.978742189
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                     1.000000000
CorrectLexdec                                       0.057000795
RTlexdec                         -0.253188184
RTnaming                          0.151348043
Familiarity                       0.526854585
WrittenFrequency                  0.457971849
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio       0.008564774
FamilySize                        0.360613035
DerivationalEntropy               0.188753214
InflectionalEntropy               0.182065382
NumberSimplexSynsets              0.350077421
NumberComplexSynsets              0.329011088
LengthInLetters                   0.046317578
Ncount                            0.016048288
MeanBigramFrequency               0.063566285
FrequencyInitialDiphone           0.048680060
ConspelV                          0.049342737
ConspelN                          0.104328581
ConphonV                          0.020750103
ConphonN                          0.068788492
ConfriendsV                       0.045758455
ConfriendsN                       0.124420710
ConffV                            0.007290473
ConffN                           -0.007205900
ConfbV                            0.005393638
ConfbN                            0.003939158
NounFrequency                     0.128263251
VerbFrequency                     0.050165423
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord       0.062039751
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable   0.057000795
CorrectLexdec                     1.000000000
corrplot(corr, method = 'ellipse', type = 'upper') More advanced

Let’s first compute the correlations between all numeric variables and plot these with the p values

## correlation using "corrplot"
## based on the function `rcorr' from the `Hmisc` package
## Need to change dataframe into a matrix
corr <- 
  english %>% 
  select(where(is.numeric)) %>% 
  as.matrix(english) %>% 
  rcorr(type = "pearson")
Warning in if (rownames.force %in% FALSE) NULL else if (rownames.force %in%  :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
                                RTlexdec RTnaming Familiarity
RTlexdec                            1.00     0.76       -0.44
RTnaming                            0.76     1.00       -0.09
Familiarity                        -0.44    -0.09        1.00
WrittenFrequency                   -0.43    -0.10        0.79
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio         0.04     0.04       -0.19
FamilySize                         -0.35    -0.09        0.59
DerivationalEntropy                -0.16    -0.05        0.22
InflectionalEntropy                -0.09    -0.02        0.11
NumberSimplexSynsets               -0.31    -0.07        0.51
NumberComplexSynsets               -0.33    -0.08        0.51
LengthInLetters                     0.05     0.09       -0.08
Ncount                             -0.07    -0.09        0.10
MeanBigramFrequency                 0.00     0.05        0.03
FrequencyInitialDiphone            -0.07    -0.06        0.13
ConspelV                           -0.03    -0.03        0.07
ConspelN                           -0.11    -0.03        0.21
ConphonV                           -0.02     0.00        0.05
ConphonN                           -0.08    -0.01        0.16
ConfriendsV                        -0.03    -0.03        0.05
ConfriendsN                        -0.12    -0.04        0.21
ConffV                             -0.02     0.01        0.06
ConffN                             -0.01     0.01        0.03
ConfbV                             -0.02     0.02        0.06
ConfbN                             -0.02     0.02        0.05
NounFrequency                      -0.17    -0.04        0.38
VerbFrequency                      -0.08    -0.02        0.24
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord        -0.04     0.02        0.09
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable    -0.04     0.03        0.07
CorrectLexdec                      -0.25     0.15        0.53
RTlexdec                                   -0.43
RTnaming                                   -0.10
Familiarity                                 0.79
WrittenFrequency                            1.00
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                 0.07
FamilySize                                  0.66
DerivationalEntropy                         0.26
InflectionalEntropy                        -0.04
NumberSimplexSynsets                        0.56
NumberComplexSynsets                        0.59
LengthInLetters                            -0.07
Ncount                                      0.10
MeanBigramFrequency                         0.08
FrequencyInitialDiphone                     0.17
ConspelV                                    0.06
ConspelN                                    0.28
ConphonV                                    0.08
ConphonN                                    0.22
ConfriendsV                                 0.02
ConfriendsN                                 0.26
ConffV                                      0.08
ConffN                                      0.05
ConfbV                                      0.12
ConfbN                                      0.10
NounFrequency                               0.47
VerbFrequency                               0.28
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                 0.11
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable             0.09
CorrectLexdec                               0.46
                                WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio FamilySize
RTlexdec                                               0.04      -0.35
RTnaming                                               0.04      -0.09
Familiarity                                           -0.19       0.59
WrittenFrequency                                       0.07       0.66
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                            1.00      -0.11
FamilySize                                            -0.11       1.00
DerivationalEntropy                                   -0.01       0.69
InflectionalEntropy                                   -0.12       0.10
NumberSimplexSynsets                                  -0.09       0.59
NumberComplexSynsets                                  -0.10       0.65
LengthInLetters                                        0.20      -0.12
Ncount                                                -0.19       0.17
MeanBigramFrequency                                    0.19       0.00
FrequencyInitialDiphone                                0.02       0.13
ConspelV                                              -0.16       0.11
ConspelN                                              -0.06       0.25
ConphonV                                              -0.03       0.05
ConphonN                                              -0.03       0.16
ConfriendsV                                           -0.14       0.08
ConfriendsN                                           -0.06       0.24
ConffV                                                -0.03       0.08
ConffN                                                 0.00       0.06
ConfbV                                                 0.09       0.05
ConfbN                                                 0.07       0.04
NounFrequency                                          0.01       0.42
VerbFrequency                                         -0.10       0.11
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                            0.00       0.10
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                        0.01       0.09
CorrectLexdec                                          0.01       0.36
                                DerivationalEntropy InflectionalEntropy
RTlexdec                                      -0.16               -0.09
RTnaming                                      -0.05               -0.02
Familiarity                                    0.22                0.11
WrittenFrequency                               0.26               -0.04
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                   -0.01               -0.12
FamilySize                                     0.69                0.10
DerivationalEntropy                            1.00               -0.05
InflectionalEntropy                           -0.05                1.00
NumberSimplexSynsets                           0.22                0.40
NumberComplexSynsets                           0.33                0.01
LengthInLetters                               -0.10                0.05
Ncount                                         0.12                0.00
MeanBigramFrequency                           -0.02                0.02
FrequencyInitialDiphone                        0.08               -0.03
ConspelV                                       0.05                0.14
ConspelN                                       0.14                0.05
ConphonV                                       0.00                0.08
ConphonN                                       0.07                0.03
ConfriendsV                                    0.03                0.13
ConfriendsN                                    0.13                0.07
ConffV                                         0.04                0.01
ConffN                                         0.04                0.01
ConfbV                                         0.01                0.00
ConfbN                                         0.01               -0.01
NounFrequency                                  0.17               -0.11
VerbFrequency                                 -0.02                0.09
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                    0.03                0.05
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                0.03                0.05
CorrectLexdec                                  0.19                0.18
RTlexdec                                       -0.31
RTnaming                                       -0.07
Familiarity                                     0.51
WrittenFrequency                                0.56
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                    -0.09
FamilySize                                      0.59
DerivationalEntropy                             0.22
InflectionalEntropy                             0.40
NumberSimplexSynsets                            1.00
NumberComplexSynsets                            0.52
LengthInLetters                                -0.01
Ncount                                          0.11
MeanBigramFrequency                             0.05
FrequencyInitialDiphone                         0.06
ConspelV                                        0.17
ConspelN                                        0.23
ConphonV                                        0.07
ConphonN                                        0.14
ConfriendsV                                     0.15
ConfriendsN                                     0.25
ConffV                                          0.04
ConffN                                          0.02
ConfbV                                          0.02
ConfbN                                          0.00
NounFrequency                                   0.24
VerbFrequency                                   0.19
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                     0.13
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                 0.12
CorrectLexdec                                   0.35
                                NumberComplexSynsets LengthInLetters
RTlexdec                                       -0.33            0.05
RTnaming                                       -0.08            0.09
Familiarity                                     0.51           -0.08
WrittenFrequency                                0.59           -0.07
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                    -0.10            0.20
FamilySize                                      0.65           -0.12
DerivationalEntropy                             0.33           -0.10
InflectionalEntropy                             0.01            0.05
NumberSimplexSynsets                            0.52           -0.01
NumberComplexSynsets                            1.00           -0.12
LengthInLetters                                -0.12            1.00
Ncount                                          0.14           -0.63
MeanBigramFrequency                            -0.02            0.79
FrequencyInitialDiphone                         0.10           -0.06
ConspelV                                        0.07           -0.23
ConspelN                                        0.19           -0.17
ConphonV                                        0.05           -0.20
ConphonN                                        0.14           -0.21
ConfriendsV                                     0.04           -0.19
ConfriendsN                                     0.18           -0.16
ConffV                                          0.08           -0.02
ConffN                                          0.06            0.01
ConfbV                                          0.05           -0.04
ConfbN                                          0.05           -0.07
NounFrequency                                   0.35           -0.04
VerbFrequency                                   0.09           -0.08
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                     0.06            0.16
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                 0.05            0.15
CorrectLexdec                                   0.33            0.05
                                Ncount MeanBigramFrequency
RTlexdec                         -0.07                0.00
RTnaming                         -0.09                0.05
Familiarity                       0.10                0.03
WrittenFrequency                  0.10                0.08
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio      -0.19                0.19
FamilySize                        0.17                0.00
DerivationalEntropy               0.12               -0.02
InflectionalEntropy               0.00                0.02
NumberSimplexSynsets              0.11                0.05
NumberComplexSynsets              0.14               -0.02
LengthInLetters                  -0.63                0.79
Ncount                            1.00               -0.39
MeanBigramFrequency              -0.39                1.00
FrequencyInitialDiphone           0.14                0.32
ConspelV                          0.47               -0.09
ConspelN                          0.35                0.06
ConphonV                          0.21               -0.12
ConphonN                          0.19               -0.06
ConfriendsV                       0.44               -0.08
ConfriendsN                       0.34                0.05
ConffV                            0.08                0.07
ConffN                            0.07                0.11
ConfbV                           -0.04                0.00
ConfbN                           -0.04               -0.02
NounFrequency                     0.04                0.04
VerbFrequency                     0.05               -0.05
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord       0.01                0.21
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable   0.02                0.20
CorrectLexdec                     0.02                0.06
                                FrequencyInitialDiphone ConspelV
RTlexdec                                          -0.07    -0.03
RTnaming                                          -0.06    -0.03
Familiarity                                        0.13     0.07
WrittenFrequency                                   0.17     0.06
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                        0.02    -0.16
FamilySize                                         0.13     0.11
DerivationalEntropy                                0.08     0.05
InflectionalEntropy                               -0.03     0.14
NumberSimplexSynsets                               0.06     0.17
NumberComplexSynsets                               0.10     0.07
LengthInLetters                                   -0.06    -0.23
Ncount                                             0.14     0.47
MeanBigramFrequency                                0.32    -0.09
FrequencyInitialDiphone                            1.00    -0.06
ConspelV                                          -0.06     1.00
ConspelN                                           0.03     0.64
ConphonV                                          -0.01     0.54
ConphonN                                           0.01     0.42
ConfriendsV                                       -0.05     0.92
ConfriendsN                                        0.04     0.62
ConffV                                             0.00     0.24
ConffN                                             0.00     0.17
ConfbV                                             0.03     0.05
ConfbN                                             0.02     0.03
NounFrequency                                      0.10    -0.02
VerbFrequency                                      0.06     0.06
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                        0.13     0.12
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                    0.12     0.12
CorrectLexdec                                      0.05     0.05
                                ConspelN ConphonV ConphonN ConfriendsV
RTlexdec                           -0.11    -0.02    -0.08       -0.03
RTnaming                           -0.03     0.00    -0.01       -0.03
Familiarity                         0.21     0.05     0.16        0.05
WrittenFrequency                    0.28     0.08     0.22        0.02
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio        -0.06    -0.03    -0.03       -0.14
FamilySize                          0.25     0.05     0.16        0.08
DerivationalEntropy                 0.14     0.00     0.07        0.03
InflectionalEntropy                 0.05     0.08     0.03        0.13
NumberSimplexSynsets                0.23     0.07     0.14        0.15
NumberComplexSynsets                0.19     0.05     0.14        0.04
LengthInLetters                    -0.17    -0.20    -0.21       -0.19
Ncount                              0.35     0.21     0.19        0.44
MeanBigramFrequency                 0.06    -0.12    -0.06       -0.08
FrequencyInitialDiphone             0.03    -0.01     0.01       -0.05
ConspelV                            0.64     0.54     0.42        0.92
ConspelN                            1.00     0.38     0.65        0.56
ConphonV                            0.38     1.00     0.67        0.53
ConphonN                            0.65     0.67     1.00        0.39
ConfriendsV                         0.56     0.53     0.39        1.00
ConfriendsN                         0.88     0.38     0.65        0.65
ConffV                              0.28     0.04     0.08       -0.12
ConffN                              0.34     0.06     0.10       -0.10
ConfbV                              0.14     0.74     0.57        0.01
ConfbN                              0.15     0.61     0.67       -0.01
NounFrequency                       0.12    -0.01     0.09       -0.02
VerbFrequency                       0.13     0.06     0.10        0.00
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord         0.12     0.03     0.05        0.13
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable     0.12     0.03     0.05        0.14
CorrectLexdec                       0.10     0.02     0.07        0.05
                                ConfriendsN ConffV ConffN ConfbV ConfbN
RTlexdec                              -0.12  -0.02  -0.01  -0.02  -0.02
RTnaming                              -0.04   0.01   0.01   0.02   0.02
Familiarity                            0.21   0.06   0.03   0.06   0.05
WrittenFrequency                       0.26   0.08   0.05   0.12   0.10
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio           -0.06  -0.03   0.00   0.09   0.07
FamilySize                             0.24   0.08   0.06   0.05   0.04
DerivationalEntropy                    0.13   0.04   0.04   0.01   0.01
InflectionalEntropy                    0.07   0.01   0.01   0.00  -0.01
NumberSimplexSynsets                   0.25   0.04   0.02   0.02   0.00
NumberComplexSynsets                   0.18   0.08   0.06   0.05   0.05
LengthInLetters                       -0.16  -0.02   0.01  -0.04  -0.07
Ncount                                 0.34   0.08   0.07  -0.04  -0.04
MeanBigramFrequency                    0.05   0.07   0.11   0.00  -0.02
FrequencyInitialDiphone                0.04   0.00   0.00   0.03   0.02
ConspelV                               0.62   0.24   0.17   0.05   0.03
ConspelN                               0.88   0.28   0.34   0.14   0.15
ConphonV                               0.38   0.04   0.06   0.74   0.61
ConphonN                               0.65   0.08   0.10   0.57   0.67
ConfriendsV                            0.65  -0.12  -0.10   0.01  -0.01
ConfriendsN                            1.00   0.01   0.02   0.08   0.09
ConffV                                 0.01   1.00   0.82   0.07   0.07
ConffN                                 0.02   0.82   1.00   0.11   0.09
ConfbV                                 0.08   0.07   0.11   1.00   0.84
ConfbN                                 0.09   0.07   0.09   0.84   1.00
NounFrequency                          0.12   0.04   0.01   0.02   0.03
VerbFrequency                          0.12   0.12   0.08   0.05   0.03
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord            0.12   0.01   0.00  -0.02  -0.02
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable        0.12  -0.01  -0.01  -0.03  -0.02
CorrectLexdec                          0.12   0.01  -0.01   0.01   0.00
                                NounFrequency VerbFrequency
RTlexdec                                -0.17         -0.08
RTnaming                                -0.04         -0.02
Familiarity                              0.38          0.24
WrittenFrequency                         0.47          0.28
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio              0.01         -0.10
FamilySize                               0.42          0.11
DerivationalEntropy                      0.17         -0.02
InflectionalEntropy                     -0.11          0.09
NumberSimplexSynsets                     0.24          0.19
NumberComplexSynsets                     0.35          0.09
LengthInLetters                         -0.04         -0.08
Ncount                                   0.04          0.05
MeanBigramFrequency                      0.04         -0.05
FrequencyInitialDiphone                  0.10          0.06
ConspelV                                -0.02          0.06
ConspelN                                 0.12          0.13
ConphonV                                -0.01          0.06
ConphonN                                 0.09          0.10
ConfriendsV                             -0.02          0.00
ConfriendsN                              0.12          0.12
ConffV                                   0.04          0.12
ConffN                                   0.01          0.08
ConfbV                                   0.02          0.05
ConfbN                                   0.03          0.03
NounFrequency                            1.00          0.00
VerbFrequency                            0.00          1.00
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord              0.05          0.07
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable          0.03          0.06
CorrectLexdec                            0.13          0.05
RTlexdec                                              -0.04
RTnaming                                               0.02
Familiarity                                            0.09
WrittenFrequency                                       0.11
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                            0.00
FamilySize                                             0.10
DerivationalEntropy                                    0.03
InflectionalEntropy                                    0.05
NumberSimplexSynsets                                   0.13
NumberComplexSynsets                                   0.06
LengthInLetters                                        0.16
Ncount                                                 0.01
MeanBigramFrequency                                    0.21
FrequencyInitialDiphone                                0.13
ConspelV                                               0.12
ConspelN                                               0.12
ConphonV                                               0.03
ConphonN                                               0.05
ConfriendsV                                            0.13
ConfriendsN                                            0.12
ConffV                                                 0.01
ConffN                                                 0.00
ConfbV                                                -0.02
ConfbN                                                -0.02
NounFrequency                                          0.05
VerbFrequency                                          0.07
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                            1.00
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                        0.98
CorrectLexdec                                          0.06
RTlexdec                                                  -0.04
RTnaming                                                   0.03
Familiarity                                                0.07
WrittenFrequency                                           0.09
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                                0.01
FamilySize                                                 0.09
DerivationalEntropy                                        0.03
InflectionalEntropy                                        0.05
NumberSimplexSynsets                                       0.12
NumberComplexSynsets                                       0.05
LengthInLetters                                            0.15
Ncount                                                     0.02
MeanBigramFrequency                                        0.20
FrequencyInitialDiphone                                    0.12
ConspelV                                                   0.12
ConspelN                                                   0.12
ConphonV                                                   0.03
ConphonN                                                   0.05
ConfriendsV                                                0.14
ConfriendsN                                                0.12
ConffV                                                    -0.01
ConffN                                                    -0.01
ConfbV                                                    -0.03
ConfbN                                                    -0.02
NounFrequency                                              0.03
VerbFrequency                                              0.06
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord                                0.98
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable                            1.00
CorrectLexdec                                              0.06
RTlexdec                                -0.25
RTnaming                                 0.15
Familiarity                              0.53
WrittenFrequency                         0.46
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio              0.01
FamilySize                               0.36
DerivationalEntropy                      0.19
InflectionalEntropy                      0.18
NumberSimplexSynsets                     0.35
NumberComplexSynsets                     0.33
LengthInLetters                          0.05
Ncount                                   0.02
MeanBigramFrequency                      0.06
FrequencyInitialDiphone                  0.05
ConspelV                                 0.05
ConspelN                                 0.10
ConphonV                                 0.02
ConphonN                                 0.07
ConfriendsV                              0.05
ConfriendsN                              0.12
ConffV                                   0.01
ConffN                                  -0.01
ConfbV                                   0.01
ConfbN                                   0.00
NounFrequency                            0.13
VerbFrequency                            0.05
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord              0.06
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable          0.06
CorrectLexdec                            1.00

n= 4568 

                                RTlexdec RTnaming Familiarity
RTlexdec                                 0.0000   0.0000     
RTnaming                        0.0000            0.0000     
Familiarity                     0.0000   0.0000              
WrittenFrequency                0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0071   0.0134   0.0000     
FamilySize                      0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000   0.0008   0.0000     
InflectionalEntropy             0.0000   0.1351   0.0000     
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
LengthInLetters                 0.0008   0.0000   0.0000     
Ncount                          0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
MeanBigramFrequency             0.8588   0.0011   0.0453     
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000   0.0001   0.0000     
ConspelV                        0.0263   0.0890   0.0000     
ConspelN                        0.0000   0.0187   0.0000     
ConphonV                        0.1417   0.9367   0.0003     
ConphonN                        0.0000   0.3317   0.0000     
ConfriendsV                     0.0822   0.0608   0.0019     
ConfriendsN                     0.0000   0.0029   0.0000     
ConffV                          0.2650   0.5923   0.0001     
ConffN                          0.7012   0.4408   0.0465     
ConfbV                          0.1281   0.1954   0.0001     
ConfbN                          0.2103   0.2503   0.0004     
NounFrequency                   0.0000   0.0035   0.0000     
VerbFrequency                   0.0000   0.0965   0.0000     
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0039   0.1662   0.0000     
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0164   0.0691   0.0000     
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
RTlexdec                        0.0000          
RTnaming                        0.0000          
Familiarity                     0.0000          
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0000          
FamilySize                      0.0000          
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000          
InflectionalEntropy             0.0062          
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000          
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000          
LengthInLetters                 0.0000          
Ncount                          0.0000          
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000          
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000          
ConspelV                        0.0000          
ConspelN                        0.0000          
ConphonV                        0.0000          
ConphonN                        0.0000          
ConfriendsV                     0.1469          
ConfriendsN                     0.0000          
ConffV                          0.0000          
ConffN                          0.0007          
ConfbV                          0.0000          
ConfbN                          0.0000          
NounFrequency                   0.0000          
VerbFrequency                   0.0000          
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000          
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0000          
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000          
                                WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio FamilySize
RTlexdec                        0.0071                      0.0000    
RTnaming                        0.0134                      0.0000    
Familiarity                     0.0000                      0.0000    
WrittenFrequency                0.0000                      0.0000    
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio                                 0.0000    
FamilySize                      0.0000                                
DerivationalEntropy             0.4578                      0.0000    
InflectionalEntropy             0.0000                      0.0000    
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000                      0.0000    
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000                      0.0000    
LengthInLetters                 0.0000                      0.0000    
Ncount                          0.0000                      0.0000    
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000                      0.9431    
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.1599                      0.0000    
ConspelV                        0.0000                      0.0000    
ConspelN                        0.0001                      0.0000    
ConphonV                        0.0187                      0.0007    
ConphonN                        0.0806                      0.0000    
ConfriendsV                     0.0000                      0.0000    
ConfriendsN                     0.0002                      0.0000    
ConffV                          0.0708                      0.0000    
ConffN                          0.8181                      0.0000    
ConfbV                          0.0000                      0.0007    
ConfbN                          0.0000                      0.0093    
NounFrequency                   0.3990                      0.0000    
VerbFrequency                   0.0000                      0.0000    
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.8591                      0.0000    
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.3844                      0.0000    
CorrectLexdec                   0.5628                      0.0000    
                                DerivationalEntropy InflectionalEntropy
RTlexdec                        0.0000              0.0000             
RTnaming                        0.0008              0.1351             
Familiarity                     0.0000              0.0000             
WrittenFrequency                0.0000              0.0062             
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.4578              0.0000             
FamilySize                      0.0000              0.0000             
DerivationalEntropy                                 0.0006             
InflectionalEntropy             0.0006                                 
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000              0.0000             
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000              0.7057             
LengthInLetters                 0.0000              0.0004             
Ncount                          0.0000              0.8260             
MeanBigramFrequency             0.1591              0.0939             
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000              0.0198             
ConspelV                        0.0018              0.0000             
ConspelN                        0.0000              0.0015             
ConphonV                        0.8523              0.0000             
ConphonN                        0.0000              0.0338             
ConfriendsV                     0.0506              0.0000             
ConfriendsN                     0.0000              0.0000             
ConffV                          0.0055              0.3309             
ConffN                          0.0064              0.4672             
ConfbV                          0.6008              0.8466             
ConfbN                          0.4386              0.6084             
NounFrequency                   0.0000              0.0000             
VerbFrequency                   0.1825              0.0000             
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0463              0.0004             
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0607              0.0006             
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000              0.0000             
RTlexdec                        0.0000              
RTnaming                        0.0000              
Familiarity                     0.0000              
WrittenFrequency                0.0000              
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0000              
FamilySize                      0.0000              
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000              
InflectionalEntropy             0.0000              
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000              
LengthInLetters                 0.6672              
Ncount                          0.0000              
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0003              
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0001              
ConspelV                        0.0000              
ConspelN                        0.0000              
ConphonV                        0.0000              
ConphonN                        0.0000              
ConfriendsV                     0.0000              
ConfriendsN                     0.0000              
ConffV                          0.0142              
ConffN                          0.1237              
ConfbV                          0.1447              
ConfbN                          0.9889              
NounFrequency                   0.0000              
VerbFrequency                   0.0000              
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000              
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0000              
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000              
                                NumberComplexSynsets LengthInLetters
RTlexdec                        0.0000               0.0008         
RTnaming                        0.0000               0.0000         
Familiarity                     0.0000               0.0000         
WrittenFrequency                0.0000               0.0000         
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0000               0.0000         
FamilySize                      0.0000               0.0000         
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000               0.0000         
InflectionalEntropy             0.7057               0.0004         
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000               0.6672         
NumberComplexSynsets                                 0.0000         
LengthInLetters                 0.0000                              
Ncount                          0.0000               0.0000         
MeanBigramFrequency             0.1107               0.0000         
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000               0.0000         
ConspelV                        0.0000               0.0000         
ConspelN                        0.0000               0.0000         
ConphonV                        0.0012               0.0000         
ConphonN                        0.0000               0.0000         
ConfriendsV                     0.0107               0.0000         
ConfriendsN                     0.0000               0.0000         
ConffV                          0.0000               0.1935         
ConffN                          0.0001               0.4670         
ConfbV                          0.0004               0.0068         
ConfbN                          0.0009               0.0000         
NounFrequency                   0.0000               0.0169         
VerbFrequency                   0.0000               0.0000         
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000               0.0000         
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0015               0.0000         
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000               0.0017         
                                Ncount MeanBigramFrequency
RTlexdec                        0.0000 0.8588             
RTnaming                        0.0000 0.0011             
Familiarity                     0.0000 0.0453             
WrittenFrequency                0.0000 0.0000             
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0000 0.0000             
FamilySize                      0.0000 0.9431             
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000 0.1591             
InflectionalEntropy             0.8260 0.0939             
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000 0.0003             
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000 0.1107             
LengthInLetters                 0.0000 0.0000             
Ncount                                 0.0000             
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000                    
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000 0.0000             
ConspelV                        0.0000 0.0000             
ConspelN                        0.0000 0.0000             
ConphonV                        0.0000 0.0000             
ConphonN                        0.0000 0.0000             
ConfriendsV                     0.0000 0.0000             
ConfriendsN                     0.0000 0.0009             
ConffV                          0.0000 0.0000             
ConffN                          0.0000 0.0000             
ConfbV                          0.0149 0.8417             
ConfbN                          0.0044 0.1865             
NounFrequency                   0.0153 0.0034             
VerbFrequency                   0.0003 0.0019             
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.5939 0.0000             
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.1422 0.0000             
CorrectLexdec                   0.2782 0.0000             
                                FrequencyInitialDiphone ConspelV
RTlexdec                        0.0000                  0.0263  
RTnaming                        0.0001                  0.0890  
Familiarity                     0.0000                  0.0000  
WrittenFrequency                0.0000                  0.0000  
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.1599                  0.0000  
FamilySize                      0.0000                  0.0000  
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000                  0.0018  
InflectionalEntropy             0.0198                  0.0000  
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0001                  0.0000  
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000                  0.0000  
LengthInLetters                 0.0000                  0.0000  
Ncount                          0.0000                  0.0000  
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000                  0.0000  
FrequencyInitialDiphone                                 0.0002  
ConspelV                        0.0002                          
ConspelN                        0.0364                  0.0000  
ConphonV                        0.3361                  0.0000  
ConphonN                        0.4821                  0.0000  
ConfriendsV                     0.0008                  0.0000  
ConfriendsN                     0.0144                  0.0000  
ConffV                          0.9908                  0.0000  
ConffN                          0.8845                  0.0000  
ConfbV                          0.0239                  0.0008  
ConfbN                          0.1957                  0.0656  
NounFrequency                   0.0000                  0.2518  
VerbFrequency                   0.0002                  0.0000  
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000                  0.0000  
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0000                  0.0000  
CorrectLexdec                   0.0010                  0.0008  
                                ConspelN ConphonV ConphonN ConfriendsV
RTlexdec                        0.0000   0.1417   0.0000   0.0822     
RTnaming                        0.0187   0.9367   0.3317   0.0608     
Familiarity                     0.0000   0.0003   0.0000   0.0019     
WrittenFrequency                0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.1469     
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0001   0.0187   0.0806   0.0000     
FamilySize                      0.0000   0.0007   0.0000   0.0000     
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000   0.8523   0.0000   0.0506     
InflectionalEntropy             0.0015   0.0000   0.0338   0.0000     
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000   0.0012   0.0000   0.0107     
LengthInLetters                 0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
Ncount                          0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0364   0.3361   0.4821   0.0008     
ConspelV                        0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
ConspelN                                 0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
ConphonV                        0.0000            0.0000   0.0000     
ConphonN                        0.0000   0.0000            0.0000     
ConfriendsV                     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000              
ConfriendsN                     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
ConffV                          0.0000   0.0074   0.0000   0.0000     
ConffN                          0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     
ConfbV                          0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.4597     
ConfbN                          0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.4688     
NounFrequency                   0.0000   0.5535   0.0000   0.1293     
VerbFrequency                   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.7902     
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000   0.0432   0.0003   0.0000     
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0000   0.0230   0.0002   0.0000     
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000   0.1609   0.0000   0.0020     
                                ConfriendsN ConffV ConffN ConfbV ConfbN
RTlexdec                        0.0000      0.2650 0.7012 0.1281 0.2103
RTnaming                        0.0029      0.5923 0.4408 0.1954 0.2503
Familiarity                     0.0000      0.0001 0.0465 0.0001 0.0004
WrittenFrequency                0.0000      0.0000 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.0002      0.0708 0.8181 0.0000 0.0000
FamilySize                      0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0007 0.0093
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000      0.0055 0.0064 0.6008 0.4386
InflectionalEntropy             0.0000      0.3309 0.4672 0.8466 0.6084
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000      0.0142 0.1237 0.1447 0.9889
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000      0.0000 0.0001 0.0004 0.0009
LengthInLetters                 0.0000      0.1935 0.4670 0.0068 0.0000
Ncount                          0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0149 0.0044
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0009      0.0000 0.0000 0.8417 0.1865
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0144      0.9908 0.8845 0.0239 0.1957
ConspelV                        0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0656
ConspelN                        0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
ConphonV                        0.0000      0.0074 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
ConphonN                        0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
ConfriendsV                     0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.4597 0.4688
ConfriendsN                                 0.6587 0.1567 0.0000 0.0000
ConffV                          0.6587             0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
ConffN                          0.1567      0.0000        0.0000 0.0000
ConfbV                          0.0000      0.0000 0.0000        0.0000
ConfbN                          0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0000       
NounFrequency                   0.0000      0.0131 0.4869 0.1428 0.0882
VerbFrequency                   0.0000      0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0259
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000      0.6937 0.8069 0.1784 0.2019
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0000      0.4569 0.5551 0.0678 0.0990
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000      0.6223 0.6263 0.7155 0.7901
                                NounFrequency VerbFrequency
RTlexdec                        0.0000        0.0000       
RTnaming                        0.0035        0.0965       
Familiarity                     0.0000        0.0000       
WrittenFrequency                0.0000        0.0000       
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.3990        0.0000       
FamilySize                      0.0000        0.0000       
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000        0.1825       
InflectionalEntropy             0.0000        0.0000       
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000        0.0000       
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000        0.0000       
LengthInLetters                 0.0169        0.0000       
Ncount                          0.0153        0.0003       
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0034        0.0019       
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000        0.0002       
ConspelV                        0.2518        0.0000       
ConspelN                        0.0000        0.0000       
ConphonV                        0.5535        0.0000       
ConphonN                        0.0000        0.0000       
ConfriendsV                     0.1293        0.7902       
ConfriendsN                     0.0000        0.0000       
ConffV                          0.0131        0.0000       
ConffN                          0.4869        0.0000       
ConfbV                          0.1428        0.0006       
ConfbN                          0.0882        0.0259       
NounFrequency                                 0.8332       
VerbFrequency                   0.8332                     
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0013        0.0000       
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0204        0.0002       
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000        0.0007       
RTlexdec                        0.0039                     
RTnaming                        0.1662                     
Familiarity                     0.0000                     
WrittenFrequency                0.0000                     
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.8591                     
FamilySize                      0.0000                     
DerivationalEntropy             0.0463                     
InflectionalEntropy             0.0004                     
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000                     
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000                     
LengthInLetters                 0.0000                     
Ncount                          0.5939                     
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000                     
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000                     
ConspelV                        0.0000                     
ConspelN                        0.0000                     
ConphonV                        0.0432                     
ConphonN                        0.0003                     
ConfriendsV                     0.0000                     
ConfriendsN                     0.0000                     
ConffV                          0.6937                     
ConffN                          0.8069                     
ConfbV                          0.1784                     
ConfbN                          0.2019                     
NounFrequency                   0.0013                     
VerbFrequency                   0.0000                     
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0000                     
CorrectLexdec                   0.0000                     
RTlexdec                        0.0164                         
RTnaming                        0.0691                         
Familiarity                     0.0000                         
WrittenFrequency                0.0000                         
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.3844                         
FamilySize                      0.0000                         
DerivationalEntropy             0.0607                         
InflectionalEntropy             0.0006                         
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000                         
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0015                         
LengthInLetters                 0.0000                         
Ncount                          0.1422                         
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000                         
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0000                         
ConspelV                        0.0000                         
ConspelN                        0.0000                         
ConphonV                        0.0230                         
ConphonN                        0.0002                         
ConfriendsV                     0.0000                         
ConfriendsN                     0.0000                         
ConffV                          0.4569                         
ConffN                          0.5551                         
ConfbV                          0.0678                         
ConfbN                          0.0990                         
NounFrequency                   0.0204                         
VerbFrequency                   0.0002                         
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000                         
CorrectLexdec                   0.0001                         
RTlexdec                        0.0000       
RTnaming                        0.0000       
Familiarity                     0.0000       
WrittenFrequency                0.0000       
WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio     0.5628       
FamilySize                      0.0000       
DerivationalEntropy             0.0000       
InflectionalEntropy             0.0000       
NumberSimplexSynsets            0.0000       
NumberComplexSynsets            0.0000       
LengthInLetters                 0.0017       
Ncount                          0.2782       
MeanBigramFrequency             0.0000       
FrequencyInitialDiphone         0.0010       
ConspelV                        0.0008       
ConspelN                        0.0000       
ConphonV                        0.1609       
ConphonN                        0.0000       
ConfriendsV                     0.0020       
ConfriendsN                     0.0000       
ConffV                          0.6223       
ConffN                          0.6263       
ConfbV                          0.7155       
ConfbN                          0.7901       
NounFrequency                   0.0000       
VerbFrequency                   0.0007       
FrequencyInitialDiphoneWord     0.0000       
FrequencyInitialDiphoneSyllable 0.0001       
# use corrplot to obtain a nice correlation plot!
corrplot(corr$r, p.mat = corr$P,
         addCoef.col = "black", diag = FALSE, type = "upper", tl.srt = 55)

3 Linear Models

Up to now, we have looked at descriptive statistics, and evaluated summaries, correlations in the data (with p values).

We are now interested in looking at group differences.

3.1 Introduction

The basic assumption of a Linear model is to create a regression analysis on the data. We have an outcome (or dependent variable) and a predictor (or an independent variable). The formula of a linear model is as follows outcome ~ predictor that can be read as “outcome as a function of the predictor”. We can add “1” to specify an intercept, but this is by default added to the model

3.1.1 Model estimation

english2 <- english %>% 
  mutate(AgeSubject = factor(AgeSubject, levels = c("young", "old")))
mdl.lm <- english2 %>% 
  lm(RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject, data = .)
#lm(RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject, data = english)
mdl.lm #also print(mdl.lm)

lm(formula = RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject, data = .)

  (Intercept)  AgeSubjectold  
       6.4392         0.2217  

lm(formula = RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject, data = .)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.25776 -0.08339 -0.01669  0.06921  0.52685 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   6.439237   0.002324 2771.03   <2e-16 ***
AgeSubjectold 0.221721   0.003286   67.47   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.1111 on 4566 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4992,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.4991 
F-statistic:  4552 on 1 and 4566 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

3.1.2 Tidying the output

# from library(broom)
tidy(mdl.lm) %>% 
  select(term, estimate) %>% 
  mutate(estimate = round(estimate, 3))
mycoefE <- tidy(mdl.lm) %>% pull(estimate)

Obtaining mean values from our model

[1] 6.439237
mycoefE[1] + mycoefE[2]
[1] 6.660958

3.1.3 Nice table of our model summary

We can also obtain a nice table of our model summary. We can use the package knitr or xtable Directly from model summary

kable(summary(mdl.lm)$coef, digits = 3)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.439 0.002 2771.027 0
AgeSubjectold 0.222 0.003 67.468 0
NA From the tidy output

mdl.lmT <- tidy(mdl.lm)
kable(mdl.lmT, digits = 3)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 6.439 0.002 2771.027 0
AgeSubjectold 0.222 0.003 67.468 0

3.1.4 Dissecting the model

Let us dissect the model. If you use “str”, you will be able to see what is available under our linear model. To access some info from the model “str” and “coef”

List of 13
 $ coefficients : Named num [1:2] 6.439 0.222
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "(Intercept)" "AgeSubjectold"
 $ residuals    : Named num [1:4568] 0.1045 -0.0416 -0.1343 -0.015 0.0114 ...
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4568] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
 $ effects      : Named num [1:4568] -442.7013 7.4927 -0.1352 -0.0159 0.0105 ...
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4568] "(Intercept)" "AgeSubjectold" "" "" ...
 $ rank         : int 2
 $ fitted.values: Named num [1:4568] 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 ...
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4568] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
 $ assign       : int [1:2] 0 1
 $ qr           :List of 5
  ..$ qr   : num [1:4568, 1:2] -67.587 0.0148 0.0148 0.0148 0.0148 ...
  .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. ..$ : chr [1:4568] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "(Intercept)" "AgeSubjectold"
  .. ..- attr(*, "assign")= int [1:2] 0 1
  .. ..- attr(*, "contrasts")=List of 1
  .. .. ..$ AgeSubject: chr "contr.treatment"
  ..$ qraux: num [1:2] 1.01 1.01
  ..$ pivot: int [1:2] 1 2
  ..$ tol  : num 1e-07
  ..$ rank : int 2
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "qr"
 $ df.residual  : int 4566
 $ contrasts    :List of 1
  ..$ AgeSubject: chr "contr.treatment"
 $ xlevels      :List of 1
  ..$ AgeSubject: chr [1:2] "young" "old"
 $ call         : language lm(formula = RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject, data = .)
 $ terms        :Classes 'terms', 'formula'  language RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject
  .. ..- attr(*, "variables")= language list(RTlexdec, AgeSubject)
  .. ..- attr(*, "factors")= int [1:2, 1] 0 1
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "RTlexdec" "AgeSubject"
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr "AgeSubject"
  .. ..- attr(*, "term.labels")= chr "AgeSubject"
  .. ..- attr(*, "order")= int 1
  .. ..- attr(*, "intercept")= int 1
  .. ..- attr(*, "response")= int 1
  .. ..- attr(*, ".Environment")=<environment: 0x000001859f41a520> 
  .. ..- attr(*, "predvars")= language list(RTlexdec, AgeSubject)
  .. ..- attr(*, "dataClasses")= Named chr [1:2] "numeric" "factor"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "RTlexdec" "AgeSubject"
 $ model        :'data.frame':  4568 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ RTlexdec  : num [1:4568] 6.54 6.4 6.3 6.42 6.45 ...
  ..$ AgeSubject: Factor w/ 2 levels "young","old": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..- attr(*, "terms")=Classes 'terms', 'formula'  language RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "variables")= language list(RTlexdec, AgeSubject)
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "factors")= int [1:2, 1] 0 1
  .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "RTlexdec" "AgeSubject"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr "AgeSubject"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "term.labels")= chr "AgeSubject"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "order")= int 1
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "intercept")= int 1
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "response")= int 1
  .. .. ..- attr(*, ".Environment")=<environment: 0x000001859f41a520> 
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "predvars")= language list(RTlexdec, AgeSubject)
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "dataClasses")= Named chr [1:2] "numeric" "factor"
  .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "RTlexdec" "AgeSubject"
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "lm"
  (Intercept) AgeSubjectold 
    6.4392366     0.2217215 
## same as 
## mdl.lm$coefficients “coef” and “coefficients”

What if I want to obtain the “Intercept”? Or the coefficient for distance? What if I want the full row for distance?

coef(mdl.lm)[1] # same as mdl.lm$coefficients[1]
coef(mdl.lm)[2] # same as mdl.lm$coefficients[2]
summary(mdl.lm)$coefficients[2, ] # full row
   Estimate  Std. Error     t value    Pr(>|t|) 
 0.22172146  0.00328631 67.46820211  0.00000000 
summary(mdl.lm)$coefficients[2, 4] #for p value
[1] 0 Residuals

What about residuals (difference between the observed value and the estimated value of the quantity) and fitted values? This allows us to evaluate how normal our residuals are and how different they are from a normal distribution.


qqnorm(residuals(mdl.lm)); qqline(residuals(mdl.lm))

plot(fitted(mdl.lm), residuals(mdl.lm), cex = 4) Goodness of fit?

AIC(mdl.lm) # Akaike's Information Criterion, lower values are better
[1] -7110.962
BIC(mdl.lm) # Bayesian AIC
[1] -7091.682
logLik(mdl.lm)  # log likelihood
'log Lik.' 3558.481 (df=3)

Or use the following from broom

glance(mdl.lm) Significance testing

Are the above informative? of course not directly. If we want to test for overall significance of model. We run a null model (aka intercept only) and compare models.

mdl.lm.Null <- english %>% 
  lm(RTlexdec ~ 1, data = .)
mdl.comp <- anova(mdl.lm.Null, mdl.lm)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: RTlexdec ~ 1
Model 2: RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject
  Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq    F    Pr(>F)    
1   4567 112.456                                
2   4566  56.314  1    56.141 4552 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

The results show that adding the variable “AgeSubject” improves the model fit. We can write this as follows: Model comparison showed that the addition of AgeSubject improved the model fit when compared with an intercept only model (\(F\)(1) = 4551.96, p < 0) (F(1) = 4552 , p < 2.2e-16) Add significance levels and trend line on a plot?

We can use the p values generated from either our linear model to add significance levels on a plot. We use the code from above and add the significance level. We also add a trend line

english %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = AgeSubject, y = RTlexdec))+
  theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(size = 15))+
  geom_smooth(aes(x = as.numeric(AgeSubject), y = predict(mdl.lm)), method = "lm", color = "blue") + 
  geom_signif(comparison = list(c("old", "young")), 
              map_signif_level = TRUE, test = function(a, b) {
                list(p.value = summary(mdl.lm)$coefficients[2, 4]
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

3.2 Multiple predictors?

Linear models require a numeric outcome, but the predictor can be either numeric or a factor. We can have more than one predictor. The only issue is that this complicates the interpretation of results

english %>% 
  lm(RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject * WordCategory, data = .) %>% 

lm(formula = RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject * WordCategory, data = .)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.25079 -0.08273 -0.01516  0.06940  0.52285 

                               Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)                    6.664955   0.002911 2289.950   <2e-16
AgeSubjectyoung               -0.220395   0.004116  -53.545   <2e-16
WordCategoryV                 -0.010972   0.004822   -2.275   0.0229
AgeSubjectyoung:WordCategoryV -0.003642   0.006820   -0.534   0.5934
(Intercept)                   ***
AgeSubjectyoung               ***
WordCategoryV                 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.1109 on 4564 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5008,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5005 
F-statistic:  1526 on 3 and 4564 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

And with an Anova

english %>% 
  lm(RTlexdec ~ AgeSubject * WordCategory, data = .) %>% 
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: RTlexdec
                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq   F value    Pr(>F)    
AgeSubject                 1 56.141  56.141 4564.2810 < 2.2e-16 ***
WordCategory               1  0.173   0.173   14.0756 0.0001778 ***
AgeSubject:WordCategory    1  0.004   0.004    0.2851 0.5933724    
Residuals               4564 56.138   0.012                        
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

The results above tell us that all predictors used are significantly different.

4 End of the session

This is the end of the fourth session. We continued working with the Tidyverse to obtain visualisations and added more complex specifications. We then looked at correlation tests and inferential statistics. We looked at a t-test, an anova and a linear model.

5 session info

R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19044)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[7] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ggsignif_0.6.3  xtable_1.8-4    knitr_1.36      broom_0.7.10   
 [5] corrplot_0.90   Hmisc_4.6-0     Formula_1.2-4   survival_3.2-13
 [9] lattice_0.20-45 languageR_1.5.0 forcats_0.5.1   stringr_1.4.0  
[13] dplyr_1.0.7     purrr_0.3.4     readr_2.0.2     tidyr_1.1.4    
[17] tibble_3.1.5    ggplot2_3.3.5   tidyverse_1.3.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] nlme_3.1-153          fs_1.5.0              lubridate_1.8.0      
 [4] RColorBrewer_1.1-2    httr_1.4.2            tools_4.1.2          
 [7] backports_1.3.0       bslib_0.3.1           utf8_1.2.2           
[10] R6_2.5.1              rpart_4.1-15          DBI_1.1.1            
[13] mgcv_1.8-38           colorspace_2.0-2      nnet_7.3-16          
[16] withr_2.4.2           gridExtra_2.3         tidyselect_1.1.1     
[19] compiler_4.1.2        cli_3.1.0             rvest_1.0.2          
[22] htmlTable_2.3.0       xml2_1.3.2            labeling_0.4.2       
[25] sass_0.4.0            checkmate_2.0.0       scales_1.1.1         
[28] psycho_0.6.1          PresenceAbsence_1.1.9 digest_0.6.28        
[31] foreign_0.8-81        minqa_1.2.4           rmarkdown_2.11       
[34] base64enc_0.1-3       jpeg_0.1-9            pkgconfig_2.0.3      
[37] htmltools_0.5.2       lme4_1.1-27.1         highr_0.9            
[40] dbplyr_2.1.1          fastmap_1.1.0         htmlwidgets_1.5.4    
[43] rlang_0.4.12          readxl_1.3.1          rstudioapi_0.13      
[46] jquerylib_0.1.4       farver_2.1.0          generics_0.1.1       
[49] jsonlite_1.7.2        magrittr_2.0.1        Matrix_1.3-4         
[52] Rcpp_1.0.7            munsell_0.5.0         fansi_0.5.0          
[55] lifecycle_1.0.1       stringi_1.7.5         yaml_2.2.1           
[58] MASS_7.3-54           grid_4.1.2            crayon_1.4.2         
[61] haven_2.4.3           splines_4.1.2         hms_1.1.1            
[64] pillar_1.6.4          boot_1.3-28           reprex_2.0.1         
[67] glue_1.4.2            evaluate_0.14         latticeExtra_0.6-29  
[70] data.table_1.14.2     modelr_0.1.8          vctrs_0.3.8          
[73] png_0.1-7             nloptr_1.2.2.2        tzdb_0.2.0           
[76] cellranger_1.1.0      gtable_0.3.0          assertthat_0.2.1     
[79] xfun_0.27             cluster_2.1.2         ellipsis_0.3.2       